Jan 29, 2011

Nightlife and Being a Tourist

This week has flown by. We don't have class at all on Wednesdays so it kind of feels like we have two weekends. I explored the thrift scene in Ballerup and was a little disappointed. I went to two stores-one was more like a consignment store and the other was an uninteresting antique-type store. I guess Danes just like buying things new!

I went to the Round Tower yesterday with my friend Emily in between classes. (I can cross it of my list now!) It's not actually that tall, but since Copenhagen doesn't have skyscrapers the view was pretty cool. I didn't have my camera so I found these pictures on the web. 

Quick side note-Danes love smoking. There was a concert playing in the square near school and the guy was playing piano and singing with a cigarette in his hand the whole time. Impressive. 

Last night I went out with some of my friends in Copenhagen. It was fun! We stayed in the central Copenhagen area, which attracts a lot of tourists, so I really want to branch out explore areas outside central Copenhagen like Norrebro and Vesterbro.

University of Copenhagen at night

Tonight I'm going to Sleigh Bells at the Loppen! Sooo excited. Its in Christiania so that should be interesting. Christiania is a self-governing commune on an island right outside Copenhagen. I'm going there on a field study next Wednesday for my Danish Culture & Language class so I'll explain more later. Have a great weekend!

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